Simply Joy Retreats
Join me for some great southern hospitality and amazing time away
for a unique retreat that will inspire, encourage
& give practical steps to you during this season of life!
Providing time for community and rest and encouragement and laughter and food and coaching is something I absolutely love doing for women! At each retreat, the meals shared, the time of relaxing, the moments to reflect, and the sessions of learning will do all of this and more!
The following retreats have many similar qualities not the least of which is that all provide a very safe place for gals to share as they desire. All retreats will conclude with participants leaving inspired and with very practical next steps.
But, each retreat has a very distinct purpose, schedule and target audience. Do any of these fit your current season of life? Click through each to see upcoming dates, costs and how to register.
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY LEADERSHIP RETREAT: This experience is designed for women on church staff in all seasons of ministry … from newbies to veterans … and has a specific leadership development focus. This retreat includes 3 general teaching sessions for the entire group, a coaching conversation with each participant, time to network & share ideas as well as lots of hours of time to process info, relax and play!
CREATE YOUR OWN UNIQUE RETREAT: This work retreat setting is designed for busy women who need uninterrupted time to think, plan, work, write, brainstorm, & create. The experience consists of 20+ hours of quiet individual work time, the opportunity for a one-on-one strategy session with Joy and shared meals/brainstorming sessions at the table. The creating, planning and task completing happens in a huge way at this retreat experience!!
WORK RETREAT FOR BUSY WOMEN: This work retreat setting is designed for busy women to tackle projects, take forward steps with goals, write a book, take a nap, etc. The experience consists of 20+ hours of uninterrupted individual work time, the opportunity for a one-on-one strategy session with Joy and shared meals/brainstorming sessions at the table. The creating, planning, brainstorming and task completing happens in a huge way at this special time away.
EXHALE!: This retreat is designed for women in the midst of a challenging life season. We all experience surprises in life that are less than pleasant. Sometimes stepping away from daily life for a bit is exactly what we need. EXHALE! includes 3 general sessions for the entire group, a coaching conversation with each participant, hours of free time and an afternoon off-site activity. Participants will enjoy a safe place to process, to laugh and to breathe!
Location for these retreats will vary. Each retreat page will be updated when a new one is added to the calendar.
Much of the content from these unique experiences can be taken “on the road” in the form of a workshop or retreat closer to your location. If you are interested in brainstorming about this option that will serve a larger group of women in your church or community, just pop an email to me (joycanupp@gmail.com) and we’ll get the conversation started.