Hey There!! I'm Joy.
And, I'm so very glad to meet you here! This is the page where I'm supposed to talk about myself which I really dislike. But, you should know a little more about who is behind Simply Joy.
Like you, I wear many hats. Some of mine include: Wife. Mom. Lolly (my grandma name). Mother-In-Law. Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Friend. Co-Worker. Neighbor. Passer-by. Team Member. Speaker.
Segway Rider! Thrifter. Disaster Relief Volunteer. Team Lead. Creator. US Citizen.
Coach. Natural Introvert. Self-Taught Extrovert. Leader. Encourager.
Small Town Girl. Learner. Writer. Quality Time Gal. Lover of all things purple!!
My grade school and college years found me in various roles making it happen, organizing, administrating, communicating and loving every minute of it. As my journey unfolded beyond college, I became keenly aware that my life purpose is to serve and honor Him by becoming the best leader that I can possibly become and helping others live to their fullest potential. This purpose has followed me from home/parenting to teaching in a 3rd Grade classroom to serving on a local church staff and
currently to this thrilling adventure of Simply Joy!
The rest of my days will be spent encouraging and supporting others as we all grow toward our maximum leadership potential and thrive in the areas God has placed us in.
Thanks for joining me on this practical journey toward living more simply and joyfully.